I am a COACH. A strength and conditioning specialist. A body consultant. A personal trainer. A teacher. Call me whichever you like, this is my natural role in this world. The name doesn’t really matter, it’s what I do that counts. I change peoples’ lives. And I’ve been doing what I do, professionally, since 1994. What I can teach you will forever change the way you look at eating and exercise. And I love working with beginners. I love working with beginners because there is just so much potential there! You have no idea how strong you can be. You have no idea of the potential lurking inside you. It is exciting for me because I know the joy, changes, realizations, “Aha!” moments, and education that is coming your way once you commit to any one of my programs. Incredibly positive things are in store for you. It is exciting to be witness to and to be part of someone’s life in that capacity. You gain, I gain.
When we schedule your first training session, I am just as apprehensive as you are. Each client’s first day is slightly different because each client comes to the table a unique product of their own experiences. Some are older and more set in their habits, some are younger and more adaptable. All bring their own gifts and cumulative experiences with them. The concepts and methods I teach are universal. Universal in their purity, simplicity, and truth. But these concepts will be uniquely applied to each first time client.
An example is the squat. I start by pointing out that there are over 140 different ways to squat. None of them necessarily “correct” or “incorrect”. A coach that insists that there is only one acceptable way to squat, or generally recommends against squats, is simply under educated on the subject. You would do well to find a different coach – quickly. I encourage the client to start thinking of squats in terms of “high value” or “low value”. The 6 inch partial squat may have value for you, it may not. The full, “ass to the grass”, “Olympic” squat may be high value for you, it may not be. The medium box front squat may have high or low value for you. Maybe you are having some trouble with your shoulders – there is a special type of bar available that addresses those concerns. It’s called a safety squat bar – you can view one HERE. Like, I said… 140+ variations. Squatting is a fundamental human movement. The same concept applies to pushing exercises, and pulling exercises – many variations. You are always looking for the movements that have “high value” and discarding (temporarily maybe) the exercises that have “low value”. And what has high value, or low value, will change over time with effective strength training.

This is how it begins- it begins with the foundational categories of squat, push, pull and a proper introduction to the elements of free weight training. Free weights. NOT machines. Beginners DO NOT belong on machines. This is the most true thing you will ever read- it’s worth repeating. Beginners do not belong on machines. Yes, machines may have high or low value very, very, very much later in the training, but, in the beginning, a proper introduction to weight training revolves around learning the postures and movements naturally with free weight and body-only type exercises and skills drills. These postures, movements, and skills drills will develop the critical motor coordination, balance, and proprioception (the sense of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement). Machines do NOT develop motor coordination, balance, or proprioception, totally missing this very important phase of the beginner’s development. Starting weight room beginners on machines sets them up for long term INJURY.
Learning to weight train is a lot like learning martial arts. To be good at it requires good instruction. You don’t take a beginner off the street and start them off with flying roundhouse kicks the same way you don’t start a beginner in the weight room with overhead squats. There are forms and postures to be learned, ideally in a specific order. Each skill building on the last. A progression. A progression that requires time, effort, and dedication. But just like you once learned how to ride a bike without training wheels, the forms, postures, movements and skills you learn will not EVER need be relearned from scratch, but rather built upon and perfected over time.
You will learn how to move differently, more gracefully, more efficiently.
Actually, learning to weight train may be more like mixed martial arts. Just as a mixed martial artist will strive to improve his striking, his grappling and throws, and his ground and submission game, a weight trainee should work to gain knowledge and skill in the various methods and techniques of weight lifting, bodybuilding, and powerlifting to increase his/her ultimate benefit potential.
New Energy & Weight-loss Training Systems. NEWTS for short.
I encourage you to get in touch with me. Do not be intimidated because of your lack of experience. I am here to help. A simple conversation costs you nothing. To get started, visit the New Energy & Weight-loss Training Systems website. Beginners are always welcome.

Paul Newt has a passion for learning in all its forms, and finds great enjoyment in conceptualizing, creating, and improving systems that lead to success. Paul spends his time training, coaching clients, being a great husband and father, consuming non-fiction books, tinkering with new technology, researching investments, and building on old, refining current, and discovering new successful methods to improve human health, performance, and appearance. Paul’s lifelong goal is to become the best version of himself, and add value to the world by assisting others in doing the same.